International Amazon Best-Selling Author & World Renowned Course Creator Iman Aghay Presents...

ATTN: Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Course Creators...


Grab Your Free Copy of The Ultimate Course Formula!

Learn How to Create and Sell Your Online Course in 60 Days or Less
“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins

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What is The Ultimate Course Formula?
The Ultimate Course Formula is not just another "professional development" book on building a course with generic tips. 
In these 144 pages, I show you step-by-step how to start your own course with the potential to generate a new revenue stream without all the hassle of a traditional business model.

We'll give you the topics, strategies, road map and ability to expand beyond just a few students to make a lasting stream of revenue for your business that you love.
The Ultimate Course Formula is A Shortcut
If you want me to show you how I went from struggling... to creating a business with dozens of courses, then you want this Free Book. Because, among other things, the Free Book reveals  How To Create And Sell Online Courses in 60 Days or Less to impact more lives, generate more revenue and leverage your knowledge, passion and expertise.

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So, How Do You Get The Right Students

(AKA Your ‘Qualified Customers’)

To Join Your Course?

From: Iman Aghay
Vancouver, British Columbia

Back in 2008, I had a dream of becoming an international, professional public speaker.

At the time, my wife and I lived in Iran. We had limited opportunities for travelling 
because, for most countries, we needed to apply for a visa. To pursue my dream of speaking internationally, we decided to move to Canada.

We landed in Canada in March 2009. We were expecting that our money would follow.
Three days later, I realized this was not going to happen.

I was determined to make our dream come true. I did have one challenge... 

 I could not speak any English!
I wrote up a resume and started applying for jobs, any job that I could possibly apply for. I had several strikes against me to be selected for an interview, much less to be hired: I had limited English knowledge, no network or connections, and no Canadian work experience!

To make it even worse, we were just coming out of the 2008 recession. Many Canadians were 
unemployed, and the majority of companies were no longer hiring.

Nevertheless, I didn’t give up. I continued applying for one job after another, each day, 
every day.

Until one day I received a $1,000 bill in our mailbox.

When I went to pay the bill, I realized we only had $2,500 left in our bank account.

The importance of $2,500 is that it was the price of two one-way tickets to go back to 
our home country and give up on our dream or…

I could pay the $1,000 bill, pay the rent and buy some food. If I paid the bill, we would have 30 days left to find a job; otherwise, my wife and I would be homeless. 
I couldn’t make that DECISION on my own.
I went to my wife and told her about our situation.

What she said next changed everything in our life.

She said: “Iman, have we ever given up on any of our dreams?”

I responded: No!

She said: “Then why would we give up on our dream now? Pay the bill, pay the rent and we’ll do whatever it takes to bring our dream to reality!

Have you ever had a person who believed in you more than you ever believed in yourself?

That day, my wife stood by me and believed in me more than I could ever ask for.
I paid the bill and the rent, and the countdown to becoming homeless started!
30 days before homelessness...29
days...28 days...

And it went all the way down to 17 days to become homeless.

That morning I woke up and I realized I was insane!

Do you know the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!
That’s exactly what I was doing.

For the past few months, every day I was dropping off resumes and I never got one call back!

Then I thought, why would I even expect that I can find a job in the next 17 days?

Even if I did get a job in the next 17 days, my first paycheck would come long after my deadline for paying next month’s rent!

That day I realized I was already homeless, but I didn’t know it yet!

That day I decided to start my own business as a web design and SEO company.

Three days later I found my first client who paid me $1,800. That money paid for next month’s rent and bought us some food.
The next month, the same client paid me another $1,800 and I found a second client.
Every month after that the company grew and I got more and more clients.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t happy with what I was doing!

I was constantly going from having several clients to not having any clients, which is the dilemma of most service-oriented entrepreneurs.

When I had a lot of time and no clients whatsoever, I was having to do marketing all the time.

When I would get some clients, I had money and clients but no time to do more marketing, because I had to deliver the work for my clients.

Even worse was that I wasn’t doing what I was passionate about, which was becoming a public speaker!

I decided to get on a stage and talk about our web design services.

After my first talk, several people came to me and wanted to work with me.

That talk led to another talk and then another. Within 18 months, I took the company to six figures in sales!

As a result of my company’s growth, people started asking me what I did to grow my 
business so quickly.

I started coaching one person, then two people, and then 5, 10, 20 and my coaching 
business grew to the level that I couldn’t keep up with both businesses.

I decided to drop the web design and SEO company to focus on growing my coaching business. I continued getting on more and more stages until by mid-2014, I was doing 200 live events per year.

I made my dream come true!
I was running a successful business and had many coaching and mentorship students.

I was being recognized everywhere, and even won “Top 25 Immigrants” award in Canada. 
From the outside, my life looked amazing; however, my personal life was not.

I was 280 lbs. I was constantly traveling from one city to another city to deliver my talks, eating only at restaurants, and sleeping in hotel rooms, I barely had any time to spend with my family and friends or even time for myself!
That’s what I call “Suicide by Passion.”

It means you do something that you are so passionate about so much that it becomes your lifestyle.

This new lifestyle of working destroys the things that truly matter to you 
like your health, relationship and even the same passion.

I needed a
new way of running my business.

I needed a way that could give me
Financial Freedom and, at the same time, a new way that could give me Time Freedom and Location Freedom!

I gave myself 3 months to find a business model that could meet all those criteria.

During that time, I reverse engineered 12 different business models.

The only business model that could give me Financial Freedom, Location Freedom and Time Freedom, while I could make a massive positive difference in the world and inspire people to take action, was the following key business model:

Using online courses and webinars as the foundation of marketing the business!

If the only thing you learn from this report is the sentence above, you’ll have the 
right mindset but you still need to know the steps.

In this book, you’ll understand this business model and the 8 steps to successfully 
create and launch your online course on these topics, including: 
  • Health
  • ​Relationships
  • ​Wealth
  • ​Coaching
  • ​Products
  • ​And More…!
  • Accounting
  • ​Relationships
  • ​Writing 
  • ​Golf
  • ​Horse Training
  • ​And More…!

When I implemented online courses and webinars, I took my entire business online.

Now I have created over 50 online courses. I put the process that I use into a step-by-step system called 'The Ultimate Course Formula.'

Since I began, thousands of entrepreneurs have used the Ultimate Course Formula to successfully create and launch their courses.

Online courses in every industry you can dream of:
  • Coaching/Consulting
  • ​Local Small Business
  • Info Products
  • E-Commerce
  • ​Network Marketing
  • B2B
  • ​Non-Profit
  • Agency/Freelancer
  • Blogging
  • ​Affiliate Marketing

And now I want to help you to turn on the faucet of marketing, and fill your courses with your qualified customers as well! 

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book to your doorstep, ASAP!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Inside Of This NEW Book...
Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For FREE!
Inside of Ultimate Course Formula I will be sharing with you 29 modules to help you get more students into your courses.

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book: 
Section #1: The Business Model
  • Module 1: Identify your first course and business model so you know exactly how to scale!​
  • ​​​Module 2: Find the 3 types of customers, so you can create your content to fit them where they are at and sell your online course to them.​
  • ​​Module 3: How to benefit from online courses (even if your course has flopped in the past) and start automating your income, improving customer service and more!
  • Module 4: Learn about the 3 types of Experts and how to get rid of “impostor syndrome”... so that you can create your course with confidence.
  • Module 5: The BEST kind of business model on the planet! (And the #1 way to reduce expenses in your business!)
Section #2: Technicality V.S. Results
  • Module 6: The reason sales don’t work that almost no one knows about. 20% is considered a “good” enroll rate (Enrollment will be determined by THIS…)
  • Module 7: The key to market research, but also connecting to your audience, setting your prices, and get your copy written for need THIS first!
  • ​Module 8: How to get people for your market research from Facebook, LinkedIn, and other leaders...and fill your course pipeline!
Section #3: Content Structure
  • Module 9: Get OFF the crazy content “roller-coaster”, and get more results in your course... while increasing consumption (This is hands-down the BACKBONE for creating your course!)
  • Module 10: The common misconception about online courses that is true EXCEPT for this...
  • ​Module 11: How to use the Program Success Formula to market and attract people into your world…
  • Module 12: The 3 steps I use to name a course that takes out the guesswork…(and shows prospects the exact results they can expect)
  • ​Module 13: Create your own powerful features for your course that fuels your students learning... so that you can quickly get them results!
Section #4: The Course Guideline
  • Module 14: This “one-pager” makes beta users want to sign up for your you can start to generate income! (Get the exact outline we use for our own one-pagers!) 
  • Module 15: Learn how to build the credibility for your course in just one sentence.
  • ​Module 16: The hidden gem inside our entire Ultimate Course Formula become an amazing online educator.
  • Module 17: This strategy is essential for you know exactly what the students will be learning! (This is the REAL secret behind creating courses people crave)
  • ​Module 18: The tiny tweak that we modeled after Iman’s 8 Golden Question…(snuff out the stress of a “traditional” sales conversation when it comes to selling your course!)
Section #5: Setups for Recording Your Course
  • Module 19: The 3 main ways to create a course...​
  • ​Module 20: The 4 tools to make your life 10x easier when creating your course
  • ​Module 21: Implement these three tactics to get your content ready for your sales funnel, membership platform and membership training center
Section #6: Membership Platforms
  • Module 22: How to leverage Thinkific to host, integrate, and track your course, instead of trying to hook up a bunch of confusing software! (Even if you are a technophobe!)
Section #7: The Webinar Funnel
  • Module 23: This quick 3-5 minute daily strategy helps you ensure people attend your webinar, (and discover your course!)
  • ​Module 24: Get the exact script we use to promote our business with the help of Joint Ventures
  • ​Module 25: The benefits of a wrap-up page over a long sales letter
  • Module 26: Discover the equation to determine the value of your course (so you don’t sell yourself short!)
  • Module 27: The 5 step game plan for following up with people who attended your webinar to motivate them to buy…(and create legitimate urgency!)
  • Module 28: The 3 Phases Of Your Webinar Funnel and the tools needed to build them
Section #8: Five Types of Promotional Partners
  • Module 29: How to get traffic through Joint Ventures that can promote, and put you in the spotlight. (And they all don’t just want your money!) 

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As You Can See...
Ultimate Course Formula Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
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Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
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Get These FREE Bonuses!
Bonus #1 - Getting Started Training Videos
"How To Get Started Creating Your First Course"
Total Value: $97.00
When you get your copy of my new Ultimate Course Formula book, I’m going to give you 4+ hours of bonus training that you can start watching now, while you wait for your book to arrive.

The first bonus is a presentation I did at our Course Summit event in front of entrepreneurs just like you - teaching a few of my FAVORITE ‘Ultimate Course Formula” strategies from the book.
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Ultimate Course Formula Today!
Bonus #2 - Profitable Resources Toolkit
"Cool Tools, Hot Links and Profitable Resources"
Total Value: $97.00
In today’s market there are many tools that can make our lives much easier.
The challenge is to find a report that has listed these tools with a little explanation of what each tool does. 

This document is what you have been looking for! 

The list of amazing tools that can come very handy if you are a coach, consultant, author, speaker or an entrepreneur. 

Over 400 online marketers contributed their best suggestions!
This document is the hand selected list of the tools shared that was gathered by Iman Aghay’s Success Road Academy team. 
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Ultimate Course Formula Today!
Bonus #3 - Ultimate Course Formula Action Guide!
"How To Leverage Ultimate Course Formula in Your Business..."
Total Value: $97.00
These strategies are responsible for generating millions of dollars for myself and my students. More importantly, these strategies have helped them share their knowledge and message, position themselves as the go-to-expert and change the lives of thousands of people.

This shortcut will show you how you can fill your courses with consistent qualified customers, in just 8 short steps! This action guide will give you a shortcut that no one thought was possible before!
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Ultimate Course Formula Today!
Bonus #4 - Funnel Magazine Mini Edition with Iman Aghay
"How to Sell Your Course Through a Webinar And Scale..."
Total Value: $47.00
In this Exclusive Edition of Funnel Magazine Iman Aghay shares his insider secrets to how he used webinars to sell courses and scale his business to 7+ figures.

This in depth mini edition breaks down the process and shows you what you need to do to use webinars to sell your course, just one of many strategies you can implement to scale.
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Ultimate Course Formula Today!
Bonus #4 - How To Profit With Courses
"How To Choose A Profitable Target Market and Topic..."
Total Value: $97.00



Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Ultimate Course Formula Today!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95 US & CA or $19.95 International, anywhere in the world!

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. 
"I Don't Know How To Get Students
(Or I Build A Course)"
And that's exactly WHY you need to get your copy of Ultimate Course Formula.

If you knew how to get students, you wouldn't need it. This book will show you exactly how to fill your courses with your qualified customers.

And that's exactly WHY you need to get your copy of Ultimate Course Formula.

And if you're nervous that you won't be able to build this course?

Don't worry, when you are building an online course, the first thing you want to do is to make sure you have sold the course first. After you have sold the course, you teach the’s that simple. I walk you step by step through the “technical” stuff that you don’t need a computer science degree to use.

All you have to do is let me know your shipping address, here on this page, and I’ll rush you a free hardcopy copy to your doorstep.

I’ve already paid for it, all I ask you to do is to cover the shipping and handling costs.

You could go to and pay $24.95, but right now, I want to send you one for free when you fill out the information on this page!

Oh,and in case you're wondering…

There Is NO CATCH!
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...
  • It's my way of saying thank you for following me and being serious about your business and helping others whose lives YOU can impact.
  • You can actually buy this book on Amazon for twenty dollars plus shipping. But that way, I can't introduce other programs or services that I have to show you. And I'd much rather to give you the book here for free so I can showcase other services and programs that I have for you on the next page.
  • I get the opportunity to help make a difference in your life over these next few weeks and when you see just how much impact it can have, I hope to have the opportunity to help guide you in other areas of improving your business and your life through one of my other programs & experiences.
Time Is Of The Essence...
Here's why...

We've only printed a few thousand copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'Ultimate Course Formula' Today!
Total Value: $459.95
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Just Cover Shipping And Handling For The Book
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Iman Aghay

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 142 page hardcopy book, "Ultimate Course Formula - How to Create and Sell Your Online Course In 60 Days or Less" (that retails at $24.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $9.95 US & CA or $19.95 International anywhere in the world.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back). 

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it. 

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  Ultimate Course Formula (UCF) Book
($24.95 Value)
  Getting Started Training Videos
($97.00 Value)
  Profitable Resources Toolkit
($97.00 Value)
  UCF Action Guide!
($97.00 Value)
  Funnel Magazine Mini Edition
($47.00 Value)
  How To Profit With Courses
($97.00 Value)
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